Over the years, we have made our collection of the Praying Mantis School available to the public selflessly and without reservation. When one wants to use some of the contents, acknowledging and citing the source [www.hfwong-mantis.com] are the most basic manner. Your attention to this is most appreciated.
歷年來我們把珍藏螳螂拳寶庫無私及無保留地公開。若需挪用時,鳴謝及徵引出處[www.hfwong-mantis.com] 是最基本禮貌。敬請諸君垂注。
黃漢勛先生,螳螂派一代宗師,諳此道者不待多言。相關網站亦不少,然只載述一鱗半爪者、不全盡實者、以古彰己者兼而有之。此頁之設,即懷一單純目的:讓 先生之術德學髓公諸於世。「藏諸名山,傳之其人」,望後世有才德兼備者能於螳螂拳慕之、好之、樂之、習之、傳之。
Mr Hon Fan WONG, master of the Praying Mantis School, is well known in the Chinese martial arts community. There are already a number of related websites on the Praying Mantis School, but most of them only offer incomplete or imprecise information or only aim to promote their own work, rather than to record the legacy of Master Wong. There is only one simple objective for setting up this website: to keep an archive of Master Wong’s treasures and make them known to the public. As an ancient Chinese saying goes “preserve the treasures in the depth of mountains for the right person”. It is our sincere wish that there will be someone who truly admire and respect the teaching of the Praying Mantis School, put them into practice and pass them on to the next generation.
We have pleasure to announce that the CUHK Library Archival Collections have digitized all the manuscripts, appointment letters, newspaper clippings and other material of Master Wong and will be uploaded gradually.
Seven Stars school of Praying Mantis martial arts is listed on the First Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong. We are pleased to announce that our application to the Community-driven Projects funding scheme is successful. Our project entitled “The Preservation and Promotion of Praying Mantis Martial Arts” includes online lectures, oral history, video-recording of routines and the digitisation of Master Wong Hon Fan’s manuscripts. The outcome will be uploaded onto the web in due course.

