

These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.

網頁中演練與宗師標準尚有距離,旨在留一紀錄待後來者探研。The performances shown in this page are far from perfect, especially when compared with Master Wong’s. We simply wish to leave a record for future generations to study.

These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.

宗師於《螳螂拳典》中云:「梅花槍,其名在南北各派中,多有用此作槍名者,惟名雖同而技實異。查梅花槍一技,實傳自唐代羅家,羅氏三代,羅藝、羅成、羅通,俱精此技,最為馳譽者,以『回馬鎖喉槍』,與同朝代之秦家之精於鐧法者,其最佳之絕技,為『殺手鐧』,名將秦瓊與羅成為姑表兄弟,二人俱慕對方所擅之絕技,因互誓以家傳相授,結果各俱留回殺手一着云云,雖是封建思想,可見古人有一技之長者,珍惜尤逾生命,武林前輩常說『百日刀』,『千日槍』,『萬日劍』。串子(即對打)中多以槍為對象,可知槍 一械,在武器中之重要,槍之最重要法則,厥惟『軋槍』,『圈槍』,能將雙手勁道,貫於槍鋒者斯為上乘矣。」