These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
網頁中演練與宗師標準尚有距離,旨在留一紀錄待後來者探研。The performances shown in this page are far from perfect, especially when compared with Master Wong’s. We simply wish to leave a record for future generations to study.
These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we can do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.

宗師於《螳螂拳典》中云:「鞭,初時本為硬鞭,原無輭鞭者,唐末宋初,始有三節棍,時世演變,反而將硬鞭淘汰也,查鞭之形狀,如『文塔形 』,上尖下粗,層叠而成,鞭之長度,約如鐧,劍,或因人之高矮,由五節至九節,亦有如文塔之層數,其節祗有單數,而無雙數,為馬上靠身接戰中搏命武械,精於鞭者,有唐代之『尉遲恭』,與水滸之雙鞭『呼延灼』,二人俱以鞭法馳譽,至清初綠林英雄中,以之變成輭器,以利貼携帶,輭鞭富有襲擊性,而缺乏迎架之效,後又有夾刀為用者,則又一變矣。」